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Termites the Destroyers


Termites are in abundance in Florida with there being about 20 different species of termites. All termites are not considered pest meaning that some termites are not invasive and harmful to the environment and humans. With the 20 different termite species found in Florida six species are considered invasive and four are the most common. Wit 65% of Florida termite samples on record that are found can be considered as pest. Some of the pest termite species can only be found in certain locations throughout Florida while others can be found throughout the state. The termite can be found in structures and other termites can be found in the forest and other wooded areas. Termites can be found throughout the United States. The termites having a love for temperature this give Florida the ideal location for termites. Identifying termites can be difficult because of their size but it can be done. Termites can be thought of like ant as they have classes such as workers, soldiers, reproductive, winged and non-winged termites. The identification of termites is important because not all pesticides can kill all termites. Knowing what type of termite, you are dealing with is important so that you can treat the problem properly. Termites can be group into categories of damp wood termites, subterranean termites, and dry wood termites. Termite species feed on wood. Within the wood lies cellulose which can be found in paper and wood products.


Identification of termites.

Out of the six types of invasive types of termites you can find four commonly type of termites in Florida. The Cryptomtermes Brevis. These termites are found in structures for example homes, barns, commercial buildings and dwellings. They can thrive in these types of environments because of their low need for water. They have an easier time breeding in these situations. The Cryptomtermes Brevis has a burnt square head and 2 short fangs. The Cryptomtermes Brevis also has wings. This type of termite can be found throughout Florida but not heavily. The Reticulitermes species is a hybrid termite. Termites can mate with other species of termites. The Reticulitermes species has an oval shaped head, overlapping fangs and two antennas. This type species of termite can be found more in the forest in trees, logs, dead bark and other wood infested areas. The Coptotermes Formosanus termite can be found in urban cities but original was native to coastal areas. These types of termites were first discovered in the 1980s in Florida. The Coptotermes Formosanus colonies can be found within stuctures in with the colony having millions of members which makes them very destructive and very much a pest. They can be found throughout Florida but mainly on coastal areas. Coptotermes Formosanus has an egg-shaped head with long overlapping fangs with two antennas. The Coptotermes Gestroi termite is a subterranean terminate the can be found mainly in southern Florida on the coast. This type of termite is also a hybrid type of termite. The Coptotermes Gestroi termite is found coming from boats and ports. This termite has a round rectangular type head with short antennas and short fangs. Termites have workers termites that do most of the damage by doing the majority of the eating. Then you have the soldier termite that defends the colony of other pest insects and if need other termites. Then you have the swarm termites that are the reproductive termites, and they have wings and are present in the spring and sometimes the fall depending on the type of termite. Which is why in the springtime you see more of a presence from pest control technician because insects and animals become alive in the spring.



Termites can cause great damage to our homes, offices, schools, and goods. Termites cost 40 billion dollars globally. With the price of homes on the rise it is important to take care of termites so that you don’t lose your home or business. To help you prevent a major loss from termite infestation, you need to have occasional annual maintenance and awareness so that you can catch the problem before it is to late. Termites can be found throughout the home and depending on the type of termite you must apply the proper treatment for the termite. You can control these situations by using fumigation, drying out areas, baits, and insecticides. The colonies of termites can be in the millions, and when you try to control the situation, you might not be using the correct application for the termite. Termites can also be in places a homeowner or business owner may not think of for instance furniture, books, or foam insulation or under concrete slabs. These are common breeding grounds for termite colonies. There are also some species of termites that operate in a range up to an acre for instance the Cryptotermes. Termites also bread with other species of termites creating hybrids so that can lead to a situation where they can be difficult to control. Depending on the species of termite the destruction of a structure can be fast with a couple months or slower meaning years. There is also soil applications that can be used to treat for termites that have been found outside of the home near the foundation due to trees that are infected, old firewood and logs, and from dogs digging up dirt, and storms.




Maintenance is an important part for the treatment of termites. By taking preventative measure you will have the best chance of keeping your home, business, or dwelling safe from termites. You can limit the use of wood by having more concrete and concrete contact points. Trimming the trees and bushes away from your home. Keeping firewood away from your home and other places are key in the prevention protection process. Do not use wooden barriers around your home for mulch. The reason why you can find termites in your home, in the floorboards, walls, attics, and foundation of homes are because termites like to eat on wood products. Although you can treat for termites yourself you should have a certified pest technician observe and diagnose the problem so that it can be treated properly and thoroughly. This is why termites can cause structural damage to property. The reason why you should call for a certified pest technician is because trying to control termites can be overwhelming.



Termites can be a pest to your home and way of living but termites can be treated with the right application before and after inspection or contact. Knowing geographic location plays a role when identifying the termites also. Knowing the termite is half the battle and treating the termites is another part of the battle. You should call a certified pest technician when you have a termite problem just in case it’s worse than the problem appears to be. Taking preventive measures can save your property from being destroyed.













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