As we enter into the spring season grass in your lawn is starting to wake up from its dormant season. The temperatures are increasing and staying steady, and you want your lawn green, lush and healthy so you water and you water and you water. This is a problem for multiple reason. Reason one you must know how much water your irrigation system is putting into the lawn. There are multiple ways to check to see if your lawn is getting the correct amount of water. You can use the tuna can method and put them in multiple locations on your lawn and see how much water is in the can after 15 minutes. Your lawn only needs 1 to 1.5 inches of water per week. Second method is going to the store and getting a sprinkler water gauge and placing those throughout the lawn to measure how much water is being used by your irrigation system. This is important because if you are over watering your lawn, you can be causing more damage to your lawn by promoting viruses, fungus, pest, while also damaging the environment. Do not over water. Have your sprinklers inspected and maintenance regularly. Make sure sprinklers automatically turn off when it rains or set your sprinklers to manual that way you control the irrigation. We all love oranges and strawberries but they take roughly 6 to 7 thousand gallons of water a day. Water has to come from somewhere and when you deplete one source and move to another it is creating instability and in Florida that instability creates sinkholes. You will, we will run the well dry. Florida has put water restrictions on the state to monitor water usage. Each county has specific days that it can use its irrigation system. Right now in Pinellas county you are only allowed to water once a week until July 1st 2024. The best way to treat your lawn is to water appropriately, mow when your grass is high, use fertilizers to help the lawn, and get rid of weeds and thatch.